The biggest barrier is educating the different communities on why financial literacy is important and how our product can bridge the gap. The additional challenge can be becoming a known and accredited solution for money management and education.


  • Have an app that allows parents to send money to their child quick and easy
  • Child will be able to spend money on the daily needs and create and manage tools like budgets and savings
  • Provide a central location for users to learn more about finances, retirement, savings, and much more.


The finance world has continued to grow over the years, but the education to help consumers be financially literate has been lacking. As a result, more people are in debt than ever. With this concept project, we set out to research, design and develop a product that not only lets teenagers gain real world experience with the help of their parents, but learn how to be financially free and build wealth sooner in life.

Project overview



To determine the key issues for our product, we developed a set of targeted interview questions aimed at understanding the financial habits, needs, and concerns of our users. Our process began with identifying the core aspects of financial management that are relevant to teenagers and young adults. We then crafted questions designed to uncover insights into their current methods of online payment, access to technology, and the potential impact of having their own debit card. We also focused on gauging their confidence in handling banking transactions and any reservations they might have about owning a debit card.

By asking these specific questions, we were able to gather valuable data that highlighted the primary challenges and opportunities for our product, guiding us in refining our MVP to better meet user needs.





Finding Users

prototype strategy

This capability is crucial for our MVP as it lays the foundation for future enhancements and additional features. By focusing on this essential functionality, we can quickly address a significant pain point for both parents and teenagers, proving the value of our product early on. Ensuring a smooth and efficient money transfer process helps build trust and engagement with our user base, setting the stage for subsequent financial literacy tools and resources. This approach allows us to gather valuable feedback, refine our offering, and expand our features based on user needs and behaviors, ultimately leading to a comprehensive and impactful financial education platform.

Our minimum viable product (MVP) focuses on enabling parents to set up accounts for both themselves and their children, allowing them to send money quickly and easily. This feature is designed to address the immediate need for a straightforward, efficient way for parents to manage and transfer funds to their teens. By simplifying the account setup process and providing a seamless money transfer system, we aim to create a user-friendly experience that meets the core needs of our users. This functionality not only ensures that parents can provide financial support promptly but also introduces teenagers to managing their own finances in a controlled and guided environment.


Teenagers and young adults struggle to manage and understand personal finances during their daily transactions, leading to poor financial decisions and long-term instability. Providing a user-friendly debit card system with integrated financial literacy education can empower them with the knowledge and skills needed for financial independence and stability.



The minimum viable prototype (MVP) should focus on providing a solution that balances the desire for independence with the need for guidance and security. It should include educational features to support teenagers in learning financial literacy while incorporating security measures to address the concerns of both teenagers and parents. Additionally, the MVP should prioritize simplicity and convenience in financial transactions to meet the needs expressed by both parties.

Schools and Educational Institutions: Partner with schools or educational institutions to reach teenage users.

Social Media: Leverage social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok to spread the word about your MVP testing with engaging posts & videos.

Parenting Groups and Events: Attend local parenting groups, workshops, or events where we can connect with parents interested in financial education for their children.

WHO: Teenagers and young adults

WHAT: Difficulty managing and understanding personal finances

WHEN: While making transactions and managing money

WHERE: In their daily financial activities, both online and offline

WHY: Leads to poor financial decisions and long-term instability

HOW: Provide a user-friendly debit card system with integrated financial literacy education







The affinity map for this project helped us categorize and organize user feedback into four key areas: transactions, tracking, cybersecurity, and education.

  • In the transactions category, users expressed a need for the ability to pay for items as needed without hidden fees and transfer money quickly and efficiently. 
  • The tracking category highlighted the need for tracking spending habits and setting budget/limits for both the parent and teen. 
  • For the cybersecurity category, users voiced their worry and suspicions for hackers or card thieves. 
  • Lastly, the education category revealed a need for financial literacy for teenagers looking to get ahead in their money handling. 

These insights will guide the development of the dashboard, ensuring it addresses the most critical pain points and improves overall efficiency.

Based on the information that was taken from the users, we have determined a list of features that would provide that most visibility and have the greatest impact. 
Once the targeted features from the interviews were narrowed down, we created a MSCW chart to determine what features we could implement now all the way to later on in the future. Below is the table that showcases our plan to start the prototype process.







View Figma File

journey map


The designs of the dashboard home screen focus on simplicity and intuitive navigation, ensuring ease of use for both parents and teens. The home screen provides a clear overview of the user's current balance, with prominent buttons allowing users to toggle seamlessly between viewing their balance, setting and managing their budget, and checking their rewards. These essential features are organized in a clean, minimalist layout to minimize confusion and enhance the user experience. By prioritizing these core functionalities, the design ensures that users can quickly access and manage their financial activities with minimal effort.

wireframing / Low Fidelity

Product roadmap


Final Product


Data collection involved reviewing these recordings to observe user behavior, analyzing task completion rates, identifying common errors, and assessing qualitative feedback. The results were compiled into a comprehensive report highlighting key findings, user pain points, and actionable insights. Based on these findings, the wireframes were revised to address identified issues, with plans for further testing to refine the product before advancing to higher fidelity prototypes. This iterative process ensures that the final product will meet the needs of our target audience and provide a seamless user experience.

To evaluate the usability and functionality of our low fidelity wireframes for the new financial literacy product aimed at teenagers and young adults, we conducted an unmoderated test. The objective was to gather insights on how users interact with the wireframes and identify any areas for improvement. We recruited a diverse group of teenagers and young adults, providing them with clear instructions and realistic scenarios to ensure the tasks were engaging and relevant. Follow-up questions were included to gather qualitative feedback on their experience.




dashboard navigation


With our onboarding, we focused on creating a seamless process while getting required KYC (Know Your Client) information. During the process, we have also provided additional information boxes that explains why the information is needed. 

After getting their account setup, signing in will be quick and easy while also providing additional security measures to prevent cybersecurity attacks.

To provide optimal visibility on user's financial standing, we created a clear yet comprehensive view on the dashboard. User are able to view the current balance across accounts and cards, review the budget and cash in rewards for completing goals. 

Additionally, from the dashboard, parents will be able to send funds to their teens quickly and as needed without hidden fees.

Transfers between parent and their child was not our only priority. We created a convenient money transfer portal that allows users to send money to family and friends securely. Using our app for transfers will give a clear picture of their budget and spending habits.


Lastly, and most importantly, is our education center for financial literacy. Our finance world has increasingly gotten more complex past your traditional checking and savings account. While those things are still important, there are additional accounts that plan that people should take into account to get and stay ahead for things like retirement. Our goal with the education center is providing financial knowledge to help users become financially free.