• Creating a centralized place for multiple platforms to be housed
  • Building different spreadsheets while organizing data to provide efficient tracking
  • Implementing a system that has low barriers of entry for analysts at all levels


Research pain points within the analyst role and develop a dashboard that will centralize the applications used on a daily basis. 

Once designed and developed the main goal is to build upon the strong framework and continue to update with new tool. As the dashboard continues to evolve, the main MVP would be analysts having the capability to customize it as needed for their job needs.


In my role working for Goldman Sachs, and as I grow to learn more about UX/UI Design, I have recognized areas of opportunity to improve current workflows. While spending time to talk and coordinate with the product design team within Goldman, I have developed a work solution to certain pain points in the analyst role.

Project overview



To ensure the dashboard meets the needs of client analysts, we conducted initial interviews to uncover their primary challenges and desired features. We asked about the biggest pain points in their current workflow, the specific functionalities they would find most valuable, and how they currently track tasks and applications. We also inquired about their preferences for displaying information and the critical data they need to see at a glance.

These insights guided us in designing a user-centered dashboard that enhances efficiency and productivity by addressing the most pressing issues and aligning with user preferences.




Within the role, there is anywhere between 10 - 16 different applications that are used to complete job tasks daily. The problem to solve is how to create a system that houses these applications without overwhelming the user, but also integrate into existing systems, like Salesforce.

These applications hold essential and complex information, so it is crucial that the dashboard presents the information in an effective and an concise form.

The prototype strategy for the dashboard focused on creating a minimally viable product (MVP) that addressed the core needs of client analysts. We started by identifying and prioritizing essential features such as task tracking, status updates, and scheduling capabilities. A simple, intuitive interface was developed to consolidate these functionalities, ensuring ease of use and quick access to critical information. Initial usability tests were conducted with a small group of client analysts to gather feedback on the interface, functionality, and overall user experience. This feedback was used to make iterative improvements, ensuring the prototype effectively met the needs of the users.

prototype strategy

To determine the MVP for the dashboard, we conducted extensive user research, including interviews and surveys with client analysts.

We focused on including three core functionalities in the MVP: a task tracking system to monitor application progress, real-time status updates for DocuSign envelopes, and an integrated scheduling tool for client meetings. By concentrating on these essential features, we ensured that the MVP would deliver immediate and significant value, effectively addressing the key pain points identified during our user research. This strategic approach provided a solid foundation for subsequent iterations and improvements.





Client analysts in the organization struggle to track and manage multiple applications and tasks during their daily workflow, leading to inefficiencies, missed deadlines, and increased workload. Providing an integrated dashboard that consolidates task tracking, status updates, and scheduling in one user-friendly interface can streamline their processes, improve efficiency, and reduce workload.

WHO: Analysts in the Goldman Sachs organization

WHAT: Difficulty tracking and managing multiple applications and tasks

WHEN: While processing new account applications, managing DocuSign envelopes, and scheduling client meetings

WHERE: In their daily workflow, across various tools and systems

WHY: Leads to inefficiencies, missed deadlines, and increased workload

HOW: Provide an integrated dashboard that consolidates task tracking, status updates, and scheduling in one user-friendly interface

View Figma File

To understand the current process, how analyst were feeling, and where we could improve, a journey map was created. We decided to hone in on the application request process since this is the main pain point for the majority of the target users for the GS Dashboard.

journey map

design principles


Once the targeted features from the interviews were narrowed down, we created a MSCW chart to determine what features we could implement now all the way to later on in the future. Below is the table that showcases our plan to start the prototype process.


Based on the information that was taken from the user (analysts), we have determined a list of features that would provide that most visibility and have the greatest impact. 


The affinity map for the dashboard project helped us categorize and organize user feedback into four key areas: account opening, scheduling, task management, and DocuSign visibility.

  • In the account opening category, users expressed a need for streamlined tracking of application statuses and automated checklists to avoid missed deadlines. 
  • The scheduling category highlighted the challenges of coordinating meetings and managing last-minute changes, emphasizing the need for reminders and a consolidated view of all upcoming appointments. 
  • For task management, users identified difficulties in tracking and prioritizing tasks, underscoring the importance of a centralized task management system. 
  • Lastly, the DocuSign visibility category revealed a need for real-time updates, notifications, and transparency in the document signing process

These insights will guide the development of the dashboard, ensuring it addresses the most critical pain points and improves overall efficiency.



The affinity map for the dashboard project helped us categorize and organize user feedback into four key areas: account opening, scheduling, task management, and DocuSign visibility.

  • In the account opening category, users expressed a need for streamlined tracking of application statuses and automated checklists to avoid missed deadlines. 
  • The scheduling category highlighted the challenges of coordinating meetings and managing last-minute changes, emphasizing the need for reminders and a consolidated view of all upcoming appointments. 
  • For task management, users identified difficulties in tracking and prioritizing tasks, underscoring the importance of a centralized task management system. 
  • Lastly, the DocuSign visibility category revealed a need for real-time updates, notifications, and transparency in the document signing process

These insights will guide the development of the dashboard, ensuring it addresses the most critical pain points and improves overall efficiency.


Based on the information that was taken from the user (analysts), we have determined a list of features that would provide that most visibility and have the greatest impact. 



Once the targeted features from the interviews were narrowed down, we created a MSCW chart to determine what features we could implement now all the way to later on in the future. Below is the table that showcases our plan to start the prototype process.

Iterations & Final Product